In a dark and distant future, rain descends upon a nameless city...
Company Policy follows the story of a father saving his son from a corporate kidnapping. In a society built against him, his only hope is to break into the Exo Incorporated headquarters and force his way up the tower.
Company Policy is an album where the scenes and events are described through narration and character dialogue and are emotionally driven by music. The events of the story are told as it is, but the details are up to personal interpretation.
The Narrator
Played by John Sivewright
With every step of the journey, the narrator guides you through this heartless hopeless world. He serves as your eyes and ears as the father's story unfolds.
The Father
Played by Wilf Kent
The Scientist
An ex-lawbreaker turned abiding citizen to raise his son to be an honest man, the father will do anything to protect his kid, including turning back to a life he swore he'd quit.
Played by James Bryden
A scrawny, wimpy man whose ego precedes him, the scientist is a man of ethicless progress who will cast aside morals to make pointless discoveries.
The Fixer
Played by Rory McCheyne
A gun-forger and tinker who hides behind the face of a cheap jeweller, the fixer is the father's go-to for all problem-solving tools.
The Prisoner
Played by Sanasar Webb
A cocky, know-it-all locked up for pushing his luck behind the corporation's back, the prisoner is the father's helping hand up the tower.